Two Historical Sites Mentioned In The Bible That You Can Still Visit Today




No matter the background we are coming from, almost all of us find great meaning in discovering old historical monuments and learning the value each one of the corners hides. This can give us a great sense of belonging, and an opportunity to reflect back on a history that is long gone, yet we strive to get back to, considering its importance and the role it played to bring us where we are today.

As Christians, this can be applied on many places. However, the two following monuments are among the closest to our hearts, since they hold some of the most miraculous stories in the life of the Christ:

St. Peter’s House and Church

Although it looks like something from outer space, this ultramodern temple (consecrated in 1990) is well worth a visit. The Church of St. Peter, also known as the Church of the Pilgrim of St. Peter, sits atop the foot of the Capernaum, believed to be the home of Peter in Capernaum. Jesus could have stayed in this house during his Galilean ministry. Within St. Peter’s Church, which is part of the Franciscan monastery of Capernaum, is a glass floor through which you can look and possibly get a sneak peak at the ruins of Peter’s house. There are several beautiful wall sculptures. Among them, Peter himself and the other one is believed to be Jesus, who heals Peter’s mother. On the outside, against the backdrop of the Sea of ​​Galilee, is an imposing statue of Peter and a mosaic on the floor of the first 5th-century church built on Peter’s house.


The Church of the Twelve Apostles

The church reflects the symbolism found in many Christian churches. This one has many walls on each depicting a religious thought. Many decorations are of high quality, including bronze candles.

It is usually open and there is a small gift shop selling candles, icons, medals and other religious items inside the temple entrance. As we walk on a relatively long promenade, peacocks can be seen in the long grassy area from the parking lot to the temple. Remember that this is a Christian place of worship, so visitors should be quiet as they follow the recent murals inside the temple. The sea view from the churchyard is also worth taking the time to experience.

In general, this beautiful town called Capernaum located by the Sea of ​​Galilee, is one of the best in the Galilee region of northern Israel, Featuring a range of luxury suites. There is plenty to do in the area – from the most important Christian venues in Israel to fun adventures and leisure activities.

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