Artist POLLYFREE is a new gem found in the hip-hop music world with his track ‘Quarantine’



In the cluster of upcoming artists, POLLYFREE seems to be a gem. The song ‘Quarantine’ is brilliant for corresponding with the fundamentals of hip-hop music.

(ProNewsReport Editorial):- Edmonton, Alberta Dec 2, 2021 ( – The cultural movement of hip-hop music attained widespread popularity in the ’80s. Its gaining popularity has enticed many pseudo-artists who in several years have dragged the quality of hip-hop music down with some derogatory songs. In the clusters of undeserving artists, some artists are still putting all their efforts to glorify the genre with beautifully crafted songs. One of such brilliant artists is POLLYFREE. Imbibing the real spirit of hip-hop music the artist has come up as one of the very few prolific upcoming artists who genuinely prove his mastery at this craft. The song Quarantine by the artist is impressive for its stylized rhythm speech, and use of mild but effective and rhythmic beats.

The beats of the song are enchanting and are never bereft of discipline. It is the rhythmic flow of the music that supported the rap throughout the song. The complexity in his music was minimal, which kept the rap highly in focus. It was justified as the rap contains the thematic beauty of the song. Highlighting it and delivering it to the audience in the best possible way was the prime objective of the artist. Furthermore, it is his rap that melted with the music creates a harmony that buzzes in the hip-hop atmosphere. Reflecting on his attitude and energy he gives the finishing stroke to his song.

So, ‘Quarantine’ song draws its connection from the pandemic stricken the year 2020. The resemblance can be felt through his vocal too. His vocal is brilliant and it felt that he experienced what he sang. Without being a direct spectator or experienced, such detailing was not possible. The rap uses rhetoric that is not too ornamental as the song shows a mirror to the society. He flows brilliantly with rap and it is his dedication to rap and hip-hop music that enables him to obtain such accomplishment in his music. So, listen to his songs on YouTube, and watch his other music videos such as ‘Enemy’,Sunny Day’, and others to get into his official realm of music. And do not forget to subscribe to his channel as he is regular in uploading videos. And to know more about him follow him on Facebook, Spotify, Apple Music, and Instagram.

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Source :POLLYFREE Official

This article was originally published by IssueWire. Read the original article here.

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