The news of the Psychological Thriller Observer coming out soon for the PS5 And Xbox Series X is confirmed


Image Credits – HappyGamer

We have got months to cover before we get our hands on the version suitable for the next-gen consoles from both Sony and Microsoft, but certain types of news cannot be kept low-key. The information that The Psychological Thriller Observer Comes Out This Year For The PS5 And Xbox Series X, is already building the market for the upcoming version. Gamers’ daydreams about the revolutionary graphics and extensive console specs with futuristic games are all coming true.

It is already known to us what magic the Xbox series X can do and the caliber of its specs. Sony has already delivered the required information of the spec on the PS5 but they have not yet revealed the design of the console. They are following the strategy where they feed the eager followers with minimum data to keep up the buzz. They keeping all the winning cards close to their chest.

The common factor about the two consoles is that they both will be getting the Psychological Thriller Observer by the end of the year. It is a confirmed news from the studio Bloober Team who made this clear statement last Thursday. It is needless to say the news spread like a wildfire, getting hyped for the massive enthusiasm among the next-gen console purchasers.

The sources say that it will possibly come out in late 2020 as the developers have started to fix bugs and upgrading visual effects in a full-fledged manner to round it up by the end of this year. These upgrades are required before they make it launch for the next-gen consolers that run more advanced technology. The first version of the thriller was released back in 2017. With an upgrade version for the next-gen consoles, the fans of the thriller can relive the chase in better graphics and story. It gives a chance to play with all the upgraded aspects in the new form.

The players who have never enjoyed this game before will surely have a blast with the improved narrative of the mysterious tale. As mentioned, Observer was launched in 2017 that could be played on PS4, Xbox One, and PC. It created a sudden hyped for its creative narration and high visual effects. The player can take on the role of Dan Lazarski, who chose to become an Observer. This gameplay is a new kind of neural police.

You will be delivered with the ability in the game to penetrate through the thoughts of the criminals filled with insanity. It will be like hunting the minds of insane people and explore the darkness of death on the other side of the rational world. It has a slight influence from the famous movie Minority Report where Tom Cruise could estimate the next moves of the murderers by the ability to read minds.

You will be enthralled to feel like a god with the power to look into everyone’s brain and solve crime in the game. It doesn’t follow any traditional way of solving a case. You can investigate in your terms for the detective works. If you like modern crime thriller novels and a world dominated by technologies, Observer will be your ultimate goal.

Playing it on The PS5 And Xbox Series X will be an incredible journey. People are already looking forward to the whole set up. There are a few casualties left to be solved but it is coming on the advanced consolers to amaze the world.