O’Neill Fernandes Pays Tribute to Australian Music Through the Latest Album ‘G’Day G’Day’
A versatile Pop music artist from Perth, O’Neill Fernandes pays tribute to artists and music bands of Australia through the album ‘G’Day G’Day’.
A versatile music artist O’Neill Fernandes pays tribute to the greatest musicians of Australia who have enriched the music of Australia. The album ‘G’Day G’Day’ is the fifth album in this endeavor. The album comprises 20 songs from different generations and genres from 1969 to 2015. Every song has left an impression on his mind and enhanced his taste in music. One of the most brilliant covers from the album is the title song itself. The song is a popular Australian folk song that glorifies the country music of Australia. The artist seems to be inspired by the country music as the album comprises songs like ‘I Love You Rebecca’, ‘People Like Us’, ‘Raining On the Plains’, and others.
Some of the songs are taken from the 70s releases like ‘Lady (O’Neill Fernandes)’ (Little River Band) (1978), ‘I’m Coming Home’ (Beeb Birtles &Graeham Goble) (1979), and ‘Blue Jeans’ (Skyhooks) (1976). ‘Standing On The Outside (O’Neill Fernandes)’, and others are brilliant tracks from the early years of 21st century. Gritty notes of guitar and organic instrumental arrangements make every song blissful.
The Pop music artist from Perth has been able to create a euphoric pop and rock mixed arena that is highly emotive and engaging, due to the fusion of electronic and organic musical arrangements. His expertise in music is vividly conspicuous throughout the album. So, listen to all the songs from the album ‘G’Day G’Day’ on Sound Cloud. Follow the versatile music artist O’Neill Fernandes on SoundCloud, YouTube, and Facebook to not miss any updates in the future.
Please visit here to listen to the songs of O’Neill Fernandes:
G’Day G’Day: https://soundcloud.com/oneill-fernandes/sets/gday-gday
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