Be Ready To Get Swept Away With The Tremendous Rap Work Of Trillsnappin In The New Single ‘Imma Let It Blow’



Everybody bleeds in pain but succumbing to dejection will make the rugged road even steeper, Trillsnappin, the trailblazing hip hop artist sings about winning the avidity of life back because it’s precious. Flamboyant Florida rapper doesn’t make the new rap song Imma Let It Blowabout depression but the cause that creates it. Life is under tremendous pressure, people are running after money and he is making songs about his success that shows you have to be smart and strong to win big dreams. His turbulent rap flow becomes the mirror of his glorious hustles that made him successful and pushed him to pass every obstacle like the king of the jungle. His enormous confidence can baffle anyone. Talking about success is easy but he has the guts to face the thin lines of failure that embellished him further in life with growth.

Trillsnappin takes music as medicine for the people who are scared to accept themselves and embrace their true potential. ‘Imma Let It Blow’ is one of the few songs that he makes with positive and verbose lines to showcase the power of the dedication. It is a 3 minutes flow of nonstop rap rants that finally brings light at the end of the tunnel for this vulnerable society. ‘Inside/Outside’ starts with a slow tempo but he gears up towards the first verse, rapping about love and money and how everything is connected. Follow him on Soundcloud, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for the entire buzz.


Listen to the track ‘Imma Let It Blow’ on Soundcloud here: