The What, Why, and Hows of Working with an eBook Promotion Website


Book promotions have become quite popular in today’s world of competitive book industry. So working with an eBook Promotion Website is a need for every author.

eBook promotion website

Just like every other industry, the industry of books and publishing has also become extremely competitive, especially due to the availability of the Internet. With the internet, authors can build their brands online and reach more audiences for their written content than ever. One of the most effective and promising marketing techniques for books that are now trending is eBook promotions. These promotions can also be done online, and for more effectiveness, authors can get help from agencies and websites that are available in the market.

So if you are new to this, and have an upcoming book, here is everything you need to know about why and how you can use an eBook Promotion Website.

What is an eBook marketing website?

A marketing website or agency helps authors from all around the world get more recognition in the market by promoting their eBooks with effective visibility. This helps authors build their brands in this competitive market and stand out from the crowd. These marketing companies offer various promotional services that might include both content and social media promotional campaigns, helping the authors build their names in the minds of the readers.

Why is eBook marketing important?

Book marketing on the internet is crucial for various reasons such as –

● Working with a marketing agency for your upcoming book release will get you instant global reach. It helps authors connect with a global audience immediately as eBooks are easily available as well as distributable. At the same time, the marketing agencies have a wider network of promotional channels that help authors establish a connection with readers from all over the world, expanding the potential readership quite a lot.

● When you compare it to print publishing, distributing, and promotion, eBook promotions are quite affordable and do not require breaking the bank. Crafting and distributing eBooks with the help of a professional marketer is much more reasonable. At the same time, it allows a lot more resources to be used for marketing your book to a larger group of audience without the expenses related to print. So if you are a new author who does not have a big marketing budget, yet desperately wants exposure, eBook promotions are your way.

● eBooks give readers immediate access upon purchase, especially because they are downloadable. Whereas with printed books, the reader first has to buy the book and wait for it to be delivered to know how good a read it is, with eBooks, you get to choose some pages for previews so that the reader base knows what they are in for. Once they buy the book online and read it, they can also immediately suggest it to their friends in book clubs, making the perfect opportunity for you to expand your reader base and increase your visibility. Due to its easy accessibility, eBooks that are promoted well cater well to the readers’ desire and encourage instant gratification and impulse buying – helping your sales to go up.

● The audience and reader base across the world have changed a lot over the years. People have now become more environmentally conscious than ever before. So when you publish an eBook, it is more eco-friendly than printed books and when you promote it with a reputed marketing agency it reaches more earth-conscious people. At the same time, this contributes to a more positive and environmentally friendly brand image, amid the growing concerns of sustainability.

● When you use an eBook marketing website and promote it on various social media platforms, you will get insights that are important to know who your reader base is and what they like, helping you to create customer profiles. Different social media platforms offer insights into reader behavior that you can use to perfect your marketing strategies and tailor content that will bring you better and organic online engagement.

How to get a good eBook marketing website?

If you get on the internet and search for a book marketing company, you will see hundreds, if not thousands of companies are there to cater to your needs. But does it mean all of them will bring you the desired results? The answer is no. Also, many of them will charge a hefty amount that is unthinkable to bear. So you need something affordable and effective. First, make a list of all reputed book promotional websites online and read their reviews. Then pick the one that has good reviews, affordable prices, and as many promotional services as possible.

Start your search today and grow your author brand and visibility with a good marketing website.