The World’s First Global Constitution


The Global Constitution


Over the last several thousand years of human Evolution, through our thoughts, writings and our actions, civilization grows, matures and is able to give all the citizens more and more control over their destiny.  We have designed various forms of government under the glimmer of hope that our governing powers will grant us more freedom, more peace, more prosperity, what we all know in the United States as ‘The Pursuit of Happiness’.  Under the United States Constitution, most Americans are able to pursue their natural affliction for joining a flourishing economy, having a comfortable place to live, enough food on the table and a chance to educate their children so that they may achieve an even better standard of living than they, the previous generation enjoyed.  And, we have made progress, little by little over the centuries, even while the good times are usually punctuated by extremely sad and overwhelming times presented by the evils of war and poverty and suffering being dealt to large segments of the most innocent of the world’s populations.


Today, we are entering again, just such an era, but this time, the overwhelming destruction of war could be rendered upon the world’s population in its entirety.  If we do not eradicate all human life on Earth by way of Global Thermonuclear War, we will most certainly eradicate all life on the planet by the worsening environmental condition of poisoning our own atmosphere from the exhaust gases of our Industry.

One way or another, all of life on planet Earth will become extinct, unless We The People of the Earth take a unified and collective action to control our governments so that there are greatly reduced chances for the demise of world Civilization.

To that end, the world’s first Global Constititution has been presented by an anonymous group who are calling for the debate, modification and then the eventual ratification of all nations to live free from fear, for all persons of the Earth to gain the freedoms granted to a few today, namely, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of the Press, Freedom to Lawfully Assemble, the right to own guns, and especially the basic right of everyone on the planet to enjoy their own Pursuit of Happiness.  Every right and freedom guaranteed to the American people, plus any additional rights, must be extended to everyone in the world because we can.  Due to the global acceptance of the greatest invention of all time, the Internet, there is no longer any major reason to hold on to our artificial borders and separators.  We can and must all live in a brotherhood of Man.  Or we can continue down the path of our Mutually Assured Destruction, (MAD) as it is being prepared for us by the super-powers today.  The choice will be yours to make.

Adoption of a Global Constitution will gradually bring the Climate Crisis to a halt and then reverse our gradual destruction of the world so that it can support all life forms once again.  The over-all cooperation of all nations will prevent another World War and even the eventual disarmament of all nations so that people of the Earth will never have to live in fear today or any other time in the future.  The extension of Democracy into all nations can and must prevent the rise of the authoritarian leaders who believe that their power is unlimited and that they have the right to murder us all in our beds or to favor one segment of society over another.  The adoption of a uniform set of global rules and regulations that we must all live under is our only hope.  The granting of the freedoms that people in just a few countries enjoy today, to all people living in all nations will lead us to the greatest era for Mankind in all the world’s history and from this point forward.

We pray that the Global Constitution be reviewed today by millions of concerned citizens of the Earth and that they will adopt it as their own, even placing their signatures on this document forged out of our greatest challenge in history, thus becoming the founding elements of a complete and total salvation.


For additional information – see the best-selling new book on Amazon –


The Global Constitution

One-World Government To Save The Earth


by Anonymous