A New BR Mode In PUBG Gives You A Tour Of A Fantasy Land On This April Fools Day


Image Credits – HappyGamer

To celebrate the April fools day PUBG Corporation had availed its players with the chance to experience a fantasy Battle Royal.

With a limited time-period, PUBG celebrate April fools with a Fantasy Battle Royale offering a totally new incredible BR mode to the gamers with a twist of fantasy scheme electrifying the gaming experience.

The fantasy class system avails the players to select any class from the available forms that include Ranger, Barbarian, Wizard, and Paladin. Each of these modes is very interesting bringing forth their own tools and unique play style. Players are having a hard time determining which one to choose as all of them are as captivating as the other ones.

This new mode sets up completely different rules and regulations compared o the normal Battle Royal modes. In the land of the Dragon’s Isle, only the TPP mode is available. The maximum number of players in each match is 80 with 20 squads consisting of 4 players per team. It does not allow a team of 2 or 3 members as only 4 member squads are available with automatically adding the needed players to fulfill the criteria.

XP points cannot be earned as the feature of friendly fire is disabled in this mode. The total gameplay time decides the BP, and not the players’ performance. Though gameplay of this mode will not be counted as Survivor Pass, players won’t be disappointed with the wide range of exciting rewards. Special Fantasy mode rewards will be given to the gamers after the successful completion of the missions.

This exciting new mode offers you thrilling experiences as you explore a new horizon with its own set of world spawns which are actually crafting elements. The title gets more stimulating as players need to craft weapons, throwables, ammo, equipment, boosts themselves as they are not available like in a normal match and only the bandages will spawn like before.

The PUBG Corporation has declared amidst of fans accusing them of not fixing the existing problems in the game and keep developing new silly game modes, that they do spend their important resources and time fixing the existing issues of the title and the new Fantasy BR is mostly some ‘creative new art on top of a few bits of code’ which is not a new work in the already existing PUBG work.

Matching the silliness of April Fools Day, the Fantasy BR is like a breath of fresh air to the gamers at home. Be the winner of the much-appreciated chicken dinner with the newest challenges presented in the Dragon’s Isle and claim your treasure at Erangel.