Improper information for Amazon’s New World MMO is creating concern


Image Credits – Happy Gamer

If Amazon’s new release has slipped out of your mind then this will refresh your memory. Amazon has recently launched one of the few first games from this company and named it Crucible. They have made a big fanfare before releasing on the platform so that many people cannot resist the temptation of streaming the newest title as soon as possible. Crucible now has 150 viewers on Twitch but the Lack Of Forthcoming Information Regarding Amazon’s New World MMO Is Causing Concern.

Even after such hyped publicity, the title has partially failed to reach whopping attention from the mass. It will be wrong to say that the game is very bad. It is fair in every way but it lacks a metaphorical soul. The domains it has presented in the title are very similar to the other developers. Only summing the old terrains in a new way and featuring a few new things do not make it an outlandish game. These new features with the same old tricks will not give out refreshments where APEX Legends and Counter-Strike have conquered the attention of the gamers.

People have become skeptical about the new release of Amazon’s MMO genre, New World. People are complaining about how little the game is actually shown and the NDA that all the journalists are waiting to see some glimpse of the action in it.

But this skepticism has not stopped the desperate fans of an MMO from preordering the new title. In the world that has Elder Scrolls Online or World of Warcraft, MMO seems to go under for its heavy tactics that make the players too tedious. The long hours of sulking life out of the character are simply exhausting for many people and that too every day in an eternal cycle all for some materials, a handful of gold, and a smattering of experience.

A few clips have been released after carefully choosing them for the IGN Summer of Gaming. Its PvP aspect is very similar to Elder Scrolls Online PvP. It has a maximum of 50 players in a team that kind of kills the zerging that is seen in the comically standout game mode which was the main attraction for the people to come back again and have fun with the hilarious mode forever.

The doubt has increased about Crucible because it has shown very little content for a title that is about to come out in just two months. This is one of the reasons why it is getting less popular.

The NDA will simply release when the Beta is available to play. It was rumored from January that Beta will start on 23 July.

Though the users can stream it, many huge parts were removed from the title such as bounty hunting as Amazon Game Studios approached the released date.