Spend Your Time Through Gaming And Art With Voxel




Some games just not provide fun and entertainment but also an opportunity to be more creative. VOXELCANVAS is offering that platform which is perfect to venture your creativity. It is a Web-based voxel modeling tool that allows users to create on an open 3D space.

What is Voxel?

Just like in two-dimensional elements have a unit called Pixel, in the case of 3D, voxel can be considered as a 3D unit. Free to move and flexible in size, this unit can show regular grid lines on a three-dimensional space.

What about the canvas?

A canvas provides an open space for the painter to work on, likewise, this 3D canvas also allows the users to nurture their modeling skills with the help of voxel manipulation. The users are free to create, edit, save and download their modeling projects.

Why this platform?

This platform is exclusively created to push the creativity of users by allowing multiple features of vibrant color palette, changing background with filters, copy and edit model, and many others. Also, the platform allows downloading the projects in OBJ and GLB format or even share through Twitter. The platform provides the users a feeling of an open-world game.