Peter Lake unites all with his musical diversity in ‘Vaccinate With Love (Dedicated to Dr. Osterholm)’


New York-based singer-songwriter Peter Lake dedicates his new song ‘Vaccinate With Love (Dedicated to Dr. Osterholm)’ to the frontline workers with much affection.

A new song by the latest strong and enigmatic pop contender Peter Lake installs all new hopes in the minds and the hearts of the people. The New York-based singer-songwriter is directed to spread positivity during the tough time that the world is going through at the moment and has honestly penned down his latest creation as an ode to the front-line workers. Not many possess the will or the genuine intention in their hearts to extend their gratitude to the ones who have been working relentlessly during the pandemic times but the thoughtful musician takes a soulful approach to lead the way. His latest song ‘Vaccinate With Love (Dedicated to Dr. Osterholm)’ is dedicated to Dr. Osterholm, his source of inspiration during COVID-19. He has played a big part in his creative inspiration for the song and the singer has most consistently reminded all that love is by far the most important vaccination of all. The song is undeniably catchy and the anthem-like hook keeps the soundscape engaging to the finish. The singer goes all in to pour his heart out and his voice naturally suits the mood.

Vaccinate With Love

Peter Lake has kept his identity mysterious as the artist intends to highlight the greatness of the doctor and the other front-line workers who have made it possible to get through the pandemic. The sentiment is shared most genuinely as the singer’s writing style stands out as another highlight. There’s no surprise that the song ‘Vaccinate With Love (Dedicated to Dr. Osterholm)’ is going to receive massive appreciation from the audience globally. The mix of various genre sounds like pop, indie, folk, and house gives it the musical diversity it requires to excite the audience. Hear the full song on Soundcloud, Spotify, and YouTube, and follow the artist on Instagram for further updates on his upcoming projects.

To listen to this track on SoundCloud just click here: