Hip-hop Credentials in R.G.E THE LABEL’s New EP ‘TheHoodCelebrity’ is a Transgressive Musical Flow



Contemporary hip-hop and rap have now a new proprietor in town. Production label R.G.E THE LABEL is presenting to the world a redefined scope of musical assurance through the entirety of modern-day rap and hip-hop. Their creative collaborations with various upcoming artists have led to the production of some of the most captivating thematic scopes in the spectrum of musical progression. R.G.E THE LABEL’s latest partnership with hip-hop artist and rapper 3 Bandz is a match made in the musical heaven of excellence that puts together the compelling new extended Play ‘TheHoodCelebrity. An EP consisting of four impeccable songs, 3 Bandz has concocted a hip-hop resurgence with the added flavors of the sparkly trap. A beautiful EP comprising of the creative laterals of heavy bass and groovy melodic streaming, ‘TheHoodCelebrity’ is the new-age bible of hip-hop.

The commandability of Rockland Grand Ent or R.G.E THE LABEL lies in its ability to gather the elemental highs of hip-hop & rap into a combined vigor of musical authenticity. Working with various musicians across the genre, their other releases like ‘My Fault’ and ‘Run it up’ are crimson representations of the best hip-hop flavors. The way they arrange their subjective interpretations into lyrical formatting in a way paves the path towards hip-hop’s course towards its future self. As their run and establishment are getting popularized with each record that they drop, R.G.E THE LABEL’s global stardom is not far from reaching fulfillment. Follow their work on Soundcloud, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and their official website to partake in the revival of hip-hop now!

To listen full ep on SoundCloud, please visit the link given below :