‘Fighting For’ by Mon Ethos Pro Creates A Phenomenon Exuding Glorious Words of Fairness and Equality


Mon Ethos Pro Consulting

Music is the most revolutionary aspect of human civilization with the power to unite the people across the whole world at the time of need. Determined to contribute to the historical Black lives Matter Movement, David Whitaker of Mon Ethos Pro has employed the means of music imparting his thoughts and feelings towards the prolonged racial discrimination and injustice among people. Assembling various vocal artists and musicians across the globe, he has produced his masterful creation Fighting For to give brave warriors of the movement hope and courage to break free of the shackles of the ancient authority, under the production house Mon Ethos Pro Consulting, LLC.

Established in Boston, Mon Ethos Pro glorifies the battle against inequality in the most racially diverse nation recognizing their suffering through their latest soundtrack ‘Fighting For’ featuring many musicians and vocal artists from different parts of the world. The motivating acoustic majesty achieved through the resonating melodic cadence incorporated with captivating instrumentation amplifies the lyrical impact of the track piercing through the hearts of the listeners. Through the powerful vocals of the various artist takes the song to its dynamic high giving a sense of wonderful unity. Support their noble endeavors and follow them on SoundCloud, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook, and be updated on their next projects.

Mon Ethos Pro’s ‘Fighting For’ released on Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/david-whitaker-716102711/fighting-for