Sergio Nicolas Roncancio Rodriguez Sergionicr: “Social networks changed my life”


This is Sergionicr, the Instagram artist

(ProNewsReport Editorial):- Bogota, Colombia Sep 19, 2021 ( – Instagram stopped being a platform for cute photos to become a giant and global market where we can find everything: fashion, sales, phrases, memes and even porn. But today we are not going to talk about that, we are going to talk about art, a lot of art. Sergio (sergionicr) is a Colombian artist who began to take photos of silhouettes of animals and people on paper and then decorate them with any background that could get as close as possible to the original color, the result is a surprising combination of textures that is making people hallucinate. more than one.

“I use Instagram, to promote my work, each image in this ongoing photo project sits in a section of a landscape that is complemented by the latest paper creature of his. Colors of a butterfly are mimicked by blooming flowers, chocolate chip cookies serve as spots to create a dog. In essence, nature is used to color the two-dimensional zoo “This is how Sergio describes the work of him, who has been taking this type of photograph for more than two years and sharing it on Instagram.

With more than half a million followers on instagram @sergionicr is one of the most active instagramers in his country, sharing experiences and recommending to his community the best destinations, the best food, and the best music for every mood.

” I think we all see them in different ways, but social media changed my life. I value them 100%, I don’t see anything negative about them. ” Sergio replied

Sergio Nicolas Roncancio Rodriguez mostly known as Sergionicr, an Colombian Instagramer, Streamer, and content creator on various digital platforms.

Twitter: @sergirodriguz

Instagram:  serigonicr

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