Re-Logic rejoices as Terraria gets 30,000,000 Sales across All the Platforms


Image Credits – HappyGamer

Though Terraria is a much-loved thing across the world, yet not many are entirely evident about its deep saturation into the gaming industry. And, now, Re-Logic celebrates 30,000,000 sales of Terraria across all platforms, 14 million on PC, 8.7 million on mobile devices, and 7.6 million on consoles. At this moment, there are certainly no signs of stopping.

In the celebration, Terraria is half-off the entire week, until the 3rd of April, according to the publication. However, it seems to only be effective for the PC version.

The success story is pretty staggering for the indie studio, considering all the things; it is not entirely surprising though, given the recent accomplishments of Terraria on the Steam store. The title had a quiet release on the Steam store on 16th May 2011, developed and published by the small studio Re-Logic based in Indiana. It saw relatively small sales in spite of almost unanimously positive reviews from everyone that experienced the title. The developers were looking to stop further development of Terraria, instead of taking the development studio in a different direction.

They had decided to double their efforts and started upgrading through new content by the truckloads and since then, its popularity has seen an all-time high. It is very much interesting to consider how close everyone was of not experiencing the residuals of the new offerings of Terraria. From there on, Re-Logic started getting consistently positive reviews, every time, the title was updated.

The title recently witnessed its growth in fame in December 2019, where the increase was exponential; as much as three times its prior summit in popularity.

The unconventional fusion of Metroidvania with survival, crafting, looting, and boss hunting with mining has turned out to be a tremendous phenomenon that the fans just cannot get enough of, even after a decade after its original release. Thought the mod of the title is relatively difficult, the fans have been enjoying the modding support that fascinatingly extends on the various available bosses, crafting, and all the other mechanics that are being considered as a pain. Such as inventory management when you’re thirty hours into your base build and the chests are slowly beginning suffocating you.

It has been a pleasurable wild ride, since the start of Terraria, and it seems like it is almost over with the scheduled release of Journey’s End. It would certainly be difficult to bid bye to this title, which was considered to be ‘2D Minecraft’. However, the audience seems to repeat things with more content from the developers. It seems the Journey’s End is not that.